Sunday, 27 May 2012

The Publisher of “Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road” speaks about the unique project.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you collected a diverse group of talented authors from around the world and asked them each to write for you a new short story that would give their audience a different kind of reading experience? I did. And when the project came to be, I also decided to take away all the rules. It would just be the authors and their talents going into the collection.

I found 14 authors willing to take on this project. And, as a nod to their lack of writing parameters, I decided to call the book Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road. As in life, so it is in art—these wrong side of the track/road authors not only surprised me with their imagination and their dedication to their craft, they’ve surprised a few reviewers, as well.

“I enjoyed each story and can’t decide which was better. I got started reading and really couldn't stop—wanting to read more or continue on to the next hair-raising story. I like a book I can pick up and not put down and was surprised how much this read kept me coming back for more. Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road certainly did it for me. From the umber-creepy to the tragically bittersweet, this anthology has it all.” –CK Webb (WebbWeaver)

“The editing by Sassy Brit and C.C. Bye is excellent, and the entire presentation is beautifully professional. If you like the short-story genre and want something unique and innovative, you might consider this read. My personal favorite was Malpas, a novella, by Marion Webb-De Sisto, an erotica beauty and beast.” –Kaye Trout, Midwest Book Reviews

“This anthology contains some of the creepiest and unusual stories I’ve read in a long time. While a few of the selections seemed out of place either by caliber or by genre, the best works in this anthology truly set the bar for greatness in speculative fiction. As a whole, I rate Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road at four stars and recommend it as a great addition to any speculative fiction library.” –L. Lane, Cerebral Writer

I think Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road is a difficult book for reviewers. The only theme is the challenge to write something truly different. This is why the last reviewer couldn’t get her mind around what appears to be a children’s story right in the middle of a collection of dark fiction. But I don’t think the story is just for children; I think this was a successful attempt to meet our mandated “untheme.” It, more than all the brilliant stories found in this 312 page paperback, belongs in our anthology.

However, it’s also a fact that any criticism launched against this anthology can be challenged by the fact that these stories are printed exactly the way the authors wanted them printed, with some proofreading thrown in, of course. So, whether they are good or not should be glaringly clear.

Want a read that doesn’t just promise to be different? Then pick up a copy of Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road. If your local store doesn’t have the book, get them to bring it in. We’re distributed globally.

Copyright © 2012 Clayton Clifford Bye

Available on Kindle and Publisher's Website.

Please leave a comment in order to be in the draw for an eBook copy of the anthology. Don't forget to include your email address so that we can contact you if you're the winner.

1 comment:

Clayton Bye said...

Thank you for hosting me today, Marion.

I am proud of each and every author in Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road. And it is fortunate that the book is available virtually everywhere on the net.

Please let us know you've been here, and please check us out on the web.

Clayton Clifford Bye